Have you entered our Quantum writing competition yet? It’s a great way to pitch us a story, so if you’re a big fan of one of our strange worlds, find out how in the newest issue! First up this month we have a message from our Publisher Steve about the upcoming release of No.10!
And again, thanks.
Katie, Digital Overlord
A message from Steve Tanner
If you’re a regular reader of Quantum you’ll know that the latest issue arrived into the shops a few weeks later than its previously advertised on sale date. This was due to some logistical delays that arose after the comic had been printed and so were outside of our immediate control.
However, we realised that this delay would also mean that Quantum issue 9 would only be available to our readers for 5 weeks if Quantum issue 10 was published mid October as planned. Quantum’s bimonthly schedule is important to us, so we’ve decided to push back the on sale date of Quantum issue 10 from the originally advertised October date to mid November and adjust the publication dates of subsequent issues.
This means that the latest issue will be on the shelves for its full 2 months as usual, and issue 10 will then be on sale until mid-January, putting us back on track. For our Quantum Basic and Quantum Prime subscribers, we’ll be refunding their October payments to ensure none of them are charged for an extra month as part of their subs package.
Become a Quantum creator!
Do you enjoy the worlds unlike our own featured in Quantum? Now you can write for them! Issue 9 will include full instructions on how you can submit a story to us set in one of the many amazing Quantum universes. The lucky winner will be adapted into a fully fledged story.
Grab your copy of Quantum No.9 for full entry instructions, and email your submission to info@timebombcomics.com.
Want to know why you should get on the Quantum train? Check out MidLifeGamerGeek, who have been kind enough to review every past issue!
And pick them up in our online shop!
Connect with Time Bomb in Malta!
We’re delighted to have our own David Morris repping Time Bomb at next month's Malta Comic Con!
You'll know David as one of our Directors as well as the writer and artist on Memphis, S.O.E, The Baker Street Irregulars (currently running in Quantum) and The Further Adventures of Schrodinger’s Cat, as well as the artist on the Foxglove Steampunk series and the creator of the Norton the Dragon strip.
As an extra incentive, you can pick up an exclusive Baker Street Irregulars comic from David while you’re there! Check out the cover below or find out all about Malta Comic Con here.
The Secret Origin of the Baker Street Irregulars
The Special Operations Executive (SOE): Sanctioned by Winston Churchill to "set Europe ablaze" during World War II, headquartered at 64 Baker Street London they were nicknamed "the Baker Street Irregulars" after Sherlock Holmes's fictional group of spies.
Officially the SOE was dissolved in 1946, with much of its sphere of influence reverting to MI5, MI6 and Special Branch. In the world of our comics, the SOE continued in secrecy with a new remit: tasked to deal with threats that the ordinary security services couldn’t handle.
For the Irregulars alien incursion and the paranormal are all in a day’s work. Find out more in Quantum!
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